Product News

The 1.7.2 version is simply a minor update for the 1.7 version of DOCman List (one bug and some image path issues for the showMenu option have been fixed)!

Version 1.7.2 Bug Fixes!

  • Fixed the showMenu option (path to image folder and language keys  were incorrect)
  • Fixed an issue when using the showCollapsed option (it wouldn't reset the auto expand levels parameter to 0)
  • Changed the left margin for the nested list items in the nestedtable layout from 10px to 15px (seems to improve the look when expanding the items)

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated an example of the nestedtable layout)!

The 1.7.1 version is simply a minor update for the 1.7 version of DOCman List (fixes related to the new caching feature have been added)!

Version 1.7.1 Bug Fixes!

  • Fixed an issue where using docmanlist multiple times in a single page resulted in cloned output (instead of different output).
  • Fixed an issue with the new optional caching parameters (wouldn't work properly when manually enabled, since the optional parameters would not have been processed when the cache was retrieved)

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated an example of the nestedtable layout)!

The 1.5.9 version is a fairly major update that provides a completely new layout called nestedtable which provides an even nicer way to browse and display your files!

Also new in this version is a Joomla 1.7 compatible version of DOCman List!

New version 1.5.9 Features!

  • Added a new layout: You can now have your folders output more like they would be on your filesystem (Corresponding key when calling plugin: useNestedTableLayout)
  • Added a new layout: Same as the above one, but just doesn't include the files in the output (Corresponding key when calling plugin: useNestedCategoriesLayout)
  • Added new CSS code that makes the output HTML displayed more compact. You can enable/disable this option as needed if you'd like to revert back to the older output (enabled by default) (Corresponding key when calling plugin: useNewCSS, useOldCSS)
  • Added ability for categories with zero files to have the category count hidden (Corresponding keys when calling plugin: showEmptyCategoryCount, hideEmptyCategoryCount)
  • Added ability for the folders to be expanded to a particular level automatically (only applicable to the new Nested Table / Nested Categories layouts)
  • Added ability for folders to be displayed before files (prior to this the output has been the opposite...only applicable for the new Nested Table / Nested Categories layouts)
  • Added ability for folders to be expanded by clicking on the <h2> category heading as well as the +/- image
  • Changed Zebra striping to use CSS3 nth-child selector instead of the row1 class (also added zebra striping for the nested layouts)
  • Added a fix for people using jxtended Finder (the plugin was using JPATH_BASE instead of JPATH_ROOT, so if called from the backend the plugin would run into a fatal error
  • Fixed the table output for the table and nestedtable layouts (the <tr> within each <thead> tag was missing the corresponding </tr> tag which resulted in invalid output)

1.7.0 Features!

  • Forced Output Caching...this should help reduce server strain and page load times on sites with lots of Files to display.

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated an example of the nestedtable layout)!

The 1.5.8 version is a quick update to the 1.5.6 version released over the weekend to address a backwards compatibility bug and some other minor issues as well as introduce a new modal popup option for the view links!

Quick Release Note: The 1.5.6+ version's ZIP file contains a customized router.php file which can be used to overwrite DOCman's default router.php file. My version adds some new capabilities that allows my query reduction improvements to be taken advantage of even when SEF URLs have been enabled (unfortunately I couldn't fix this within the plugin as it's an issue with DOCman itself, hence the customized router.php file).

New version 1.5.8 Features!

  • Added a new layout: select dropdown lists (initial version...still needs input/work) (Corresponding key when calling plugin: useDropdownLayout)
  • Added a new layout: categories (now you can simply display only the categories if you'd like...the layouts make use of this one) (Corresponding keys when calling plugin: useCategoriesLayout)
  • Added more robust file extension support (added in all icons from default DOCman template and added support for a generic image to be used when no appropriate icon is available)
  • Added check to see if a document has been checked out, if it has then the Check-in link is displayed in lieu of displaying the Update link
  • Added ability to hide empty categories (Corresponding keys when calling plugin: showEmptyCategories, hideEmptyCategories)
  • Added ability to configure the date display format (for those that want to be more detailed and show the time as well as the date or just want to display the date differently).
  • Added ability for the category count to be displayed (Corresponding keys when calling plugin: showCategoryCount, hideCategoryCount)

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated with some examples of the new layouts and hideEmptyCategories and showCategoryCounts option keys)!

The 1.5.7 version is a quick update to the 1.5.6 version released over the weekend to address a backwards compatibility bug and some other minor issues as well as introduce a new modal popup option for the view links!

Quick Release Note: The 1.5.6+ version's ZIP file contains a customized router.php file which can be used to overwrite DOCman's default router.php file. My version adds some new capabilities that allows my query reduction improvements to be taken advantage of even when SEF URLs have been enabled (unfortunately I couldn't fix this within the plugin as it's an issue with DOCman itself, hence the customized router.php file).

New version 1.5.7 Fixes and Features!

  • Added language files for Dutch and Danish languages directly into the plugin (should be installed automatically). Please forgive my use of Google Translate for the new language keys introduced in 1.5.6...if any corrections are needed please let me know.
  • Added modal popup capability for view links in table and list layouts. (Corresponding keys when calling plugin: useModalViewLinks, useNormalViewLinks).
  • Fixed backwards compatiblity issue introduced with version 1.5.6 where empty categories were removed from the listing (compared to being shown before). Now only categories which you do not have access to will not be shown.
  • Fixed PHP warning for $filters variable
  • Fixed issue where an extra slash was added for a parent category which you did not have access to was shown (e.g. / / Agendas)

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site!