Product News

The new 2.7.5 version is now live on the Downloads page and brings in some additional changes since DOCman has reached a new milestone with the DOCman 2.1 release.

This release works for both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.4+ and adds in new fixes and features in addition to all of the wonderful new functionality that was added in the first 2.6.0 release for DOCman 2.0.

This release contains some additional bug fixes over the 2.7.2 release a few days ago and more fully implements DOCman 2.1's new access level permissions feature and adds some additional filtering options that users can take advantage of. I'm also still really excited to how people make use of the neat new Standalone Cart layout introduced in version 2.7.2 a few days ago (it looks very similar to the existing Table Layout, but it includes an extra column of checkboxes where users can select the files they wish to download and can then download them all at once in a ZIP file). I'm hoping to put together a screencast going over the new feature soon!

More details on the new update are below (if you have questions about how to use the new features just visit the Contact page above and I'll be happy to explain any new feature in more detail)!

Version 2.7.5 Changelog

Please note again that this release DOES NOT work with the older DOCman 1.6.x version since DOCman 2.0's architecture is much different and I wasn't able to share the codebase easily.

2.7.5 2015-04-22 / Omar Ramos
+ NEW Category Inclusion Capability (Allows you to filter category names you want to include) (Option Keys: setCategoryInclusionFilters Word1,Word2,etc.)
+ NEW Category Exclusion Capability (Allows you to filter category names you want to exclude) (Option Keys: setCategoryExclusionFilters Word1,Word2,etc.)
+ NEW Document Inclusion Capability (Allows you to filter document names you want to include) (Option Keys: setDocumentInclusionFilters Word1,Word2,etc.)
+ NEW Document Exclusion Capability (Allows you to filter document names you want to exclude) (Option Keys: setDocumentExclusionFilters Word1,Word2,etc.)
+ NEW List Specific Documents feature (allows DOCman List to function a little like DOCman's Document Editor Button Plugin, but in this case you just provide the Document IDs and it will list the files with whatever DOCman List Layout you'd like to use from my plugin). (Option Keys: listSpecificDocuments 43,87,80,56,58)
# Fixed an issue with the "table_labels_in_columns" layout (the table header for when the New column was displayed wasn't being added)

2.7.4 2015-04-21 / Omar Ramos
+ Improved the support for DOCman 2.1's new Access Level/Group Permissions Feature (before this update, some of these were not being captured correctly by the plugin so data was not being displayed correctly).

2.7.3 2015-04-20 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed an issue with the "get all folders" method working under certain conditions

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (unfortunately I haven't created a new demo site to feature newer DOCman List Features available in version 2.6.0 and newer of the plugin) and our new DOCman List How to Video Series on Youtube!

The new 2.7.2 version is now live on the Downloads page and brings in some additional changes since DOCman has reached a new milestone with the DOCman 2.1 release.

This release works for both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.4+ and adds in new fixes and features in addition to all of the wonderful new functionality that was added in the first 2.6.0 release for DOCman 2.0.

This release contains some great new options including a really neat layout I'm eager to have people try out: the Standalone Cart Mode (it looks very similar to the existing Table Layout, but it includes an extra column of checkboxes where users can select the files they wish to download and can then download them all at once in a ZIP file). I'm hoping to put together a screencast going over the new feature soon!

More details on the new update are below (if you have questions about how to use the new features just visit the Contact page above and I'll be happy to explain any new feature in more detail)!

Version 2.7.2 Changelog

Please note again that this release DOES NOT work with the older DOCman 1.6.x version since DOCman 2.0's architecture is much different and I wasn't able to share the codebase easily.

2.7.2 2015-04-19 / Omar Ramos
+ Improved the Asset Rule Preloading Capability which greatly improves loading speed on large sites (on the site I used for testing prior to the change it was taking about 45 seconds to load the page using my older method for Preloading, now it only takes about 10 seconds...and this is with about 750 files and 34 categories being displayed on the same page).
+ NEW Layout: Standalone Cart - The standalone cart integrates a ZIP Download Feature so your users can download multiple files at once. It's similar to the table/nested table layouts, except there is a column of checkboxes that allow users to select the files they wish to download. Beneath every list there are "Download Selected Files" and "Clear Selections" buttons. (Option Keys: useStandaloneCartLayout, useNestedStandaloneCartLayout)
+ Added "show categories owned by user" feature. (Option Keys: showOwnCategoriesList, showNormalCategoriesList)
+ Added "show documents owned by user" feature. (Option Keys: showOwnDocumentsList, showNormalDocumentsList)
+ Added Ability for Owner Status to be Displayed on Categories. (Option Keys: showCategoryOwnerLabel, hideCategoryOwnerLabel)
+ Added Ability for Owner Status to be Displayed on Documents. (Option Keys: showDocumentOwnerLabel, hideDocumentLabel)
+ Added Ability for Published/Unpublished Status to be Displayed on Categories. (Option Keys: showCategoryStatusLabel, hideCategoryStatusLabel)
+ Added Ability for Pending/Expired/Unpublished Status to be Displayed on Documents. (Option Keys: showDocumentStatusLabel, hideDocumentStatusLabel)
# Fixed an issue I noticed when saving articles that contained DOCman List code in the backend when Smart Search was enabled for a site (it caused an error in one of the files where the regular DOCman code was being used and was behaving differently than it does in the frontend).
2.7.1 2015-04-16 / Omar Ramos (Hotfix Release)
# Fixed issue with DOCman 2.1 (a change had been made at the database level that caused the plugin to stop retrieving data correctly).
2.7.1 2015-03-14 / Omar Ramos
+ Added new feature for Submitting Files to Menu Items that have been manually created by users (using the DOCman "Submit Document" Menu Type).
! This is only used as a fallback feature in the case that the regular Submit File links won't be added automatically for a category.
2.7.0 2015-03-11 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed a bug where the jQuery Library wasn't being included correctly to support Delete operations properly in Joomla 2.5
+ Added keepalive behavior when logged into a page using DOCman List (this helps keep the session alive so you don't run into an "Invalid Cookie Token" error when trying to use the Delete button for a file.
2.7.0 2015-01-17 / Omar Ramos
! This is a minor point release where I integrated some custom work I had performed for a client.
+ Added a new Cart layout that can be used together with my mod_downloadqueue module (allows you to queue up multiple files for download when using DOCman List). (Option Keys: useCartLayout/useNestedCartLayout)
2.6.9 2014-12-23 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed SqueezeBox Conflict Issue (If a prior SqueezeBox/Modal had already been added to the page it overrides the plugin's version so I added a more foolproof way within the plugin output.
# Fixed Joomlatools kQuery include issue (looks like older versions of DOCman 2.0 may have had a koowa.kquery.js file which has been more recently renamed to koowa.jquery.js)
2.6.8 2014-12-15 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed Force Download Feature for Files (the URL parameter had changed from an underscore to using a dash: force-download)
+ Added ability to turn on Category Description Content Plugin processing
+ Added the Delete button capability in (DOCman 2.0 had changed the process so I needed to wait to know how to add it back in to the plugin)
+ Investigate if it is possible to show hits on the Documents now in DOCman 2.0 stable
+ Added Search Capability
+ Added modal link ability back in
+ Added "Copy to Clipboard" functionality option
2.6.7 2014-09-22 / Omar Ramos
# Needed to make an additional correction in the itemid.php class file (The Joomlatools Select Query format had changed and resulted in a PHP error)
2.6.6 2014-08-31 / Omar Ramos
! Needed to modify all calls to KService which is no longer usable with the DOCman 2.0 stable version.
! Additionally, some method names were changed, and/or completely removed

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated with an example of the nestedtable layout) and our new DOCman List How to Video Series on Youtube!

The 2.6.5 version I've just finished uploading to the Downloads page brings in some additional changes since DOCman 2.0 has reached greater stability in the past year and with the additional releases of Joomla 3.

This release works for both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.2+ and adds in new fixes and features in addition to all of the wonderful new functionality that was added in the first 2.6.0 release for DOCman 2.0.

This release contains some new options for hiding the Details Links and Category Names should you wish to do so and brings in some bug fixes for the Category Filtering feature.

More details on the new update are below (if you have questions about how to use the new features just visit the Contact page above!

Version 2.6.5 Changelog

Please note again that this release DOES NOT work with the older DOCman 1.6.x version since there were too many changes required to do so.

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

Update: For DOCman List 2.6.0 and newer I've optimized the layouts to not use as few inline styles as possible (really the only scenario where they'd be used now would be if you specified a custom width/height value using one of the configuration options, but none should be output by default anymore). During development of DOCman List 2.6.0 I spent a little time investigating what exactly is going on with the default System SEF Plugin that comes with Joomla and what I learned was that one Regular Expression used in the System SEF Plugin would get progressively slower if there were many inline styles present in the DOCman List output (even if they were empty). Once I started clearing these out, it helped reduce the negative impact the System SEF Plugin had so installing my custom System SEF Plugin shouldn't be as necessary anymore, but may still be needed in certain scenarios.

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

2.6.5 2014-03-01 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed issue with the Category Filtering Feature when "Hide Parent Category" was Turned On.
# Fixed the JavaScript for the regular (non-nested) layouts. Previously the Expand/Collapse functionality was being triggered even on Categories that did not have any files (so a Category would end up hiding the Category immediately beneath it, which wasn't correct)
# Fixed an issue where my DocmanRouterHelper::preloadCategoryPaths() method was being called statically even though it wasn't declared as a static method.
+ Added the ability to show/hide the Details Link (Option Keys: showDetailsLink/hideDetailsLink)
+ Added the ability to show/hide the Category Name (Option Keys: showCategoryName/hideCategoryName)
! Tweaked the way the new "Hide Expand Icons" feature works (now it hides the spacer as well so the Category Name lines up better with the file listing

2.6.4 2014-02-15 / Omar Ramos
+ Added the ability to show/hide the Category Folder icons (Option Keys: showCategoryIcons/hideCategoryIcons)
+ Added the ability to show/hide the Filetype Icons (Option Keys: showFiletypeIcons/hideFiletypeIcons)
+ Added the ability to show/hide the +/- Icons to Expand/Collapse the Categories (Option Keys: showExpandIcons/hideExpandIcons)
+ Added the ability to show direct category links to the right of the Category Title...this would be useful if you have Category Links turned off for regular users, but may want to show them for logged in users that have permission to upload (Option keys: showCategoryLinksToUsersWithPermissions, hideCategoryLinksToUsersWithPermissions)
+ Added the ability to use Forced Download Links at any time (Option Keys: useForcedDownloadLinks/useDefaultLinks)
+ Added a CSS fix to remove the Category block being highlighted if you click on it multiple times quickly to Expand/Collapse the hierarchy
! Modified the render method for the non-nested layouts so that categories with sub-categories would not be treated as "empty" ones (this fixed an issue where if you did not have any files yet, all categories would be hidden when showCollapsed was turned on).
# Fixed a bug in docmanlist.js that was triggered by trying to expand/collapse empty categories
# Fixed a bug in sorttable.js for Joomla 3 (the updated version of Mootools no longer has the $defined function but there's a simple correction that can be made to fix that)
! Added in code that allowed Joomla 2.5/3 code to be triggered (allowing us to go back to a single package for both versions).

2.6.3 2013-11-29 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed an issue detecting the primary DOCman menu item with newer RC versions of DOCman 2.0
# Fixed an issue detecting the proper DOCman storage folder when detecting file sizes (previously I had the default folder hard coded in)
+ Added in manual calls to make sure the Mootools Framework is included before adding in the DOCman List JavaScript (it seems on some sites now Mootools is no longer available so this addition is needed).

2.6.2 2013-07-10 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed an Issue with the "New" Label (I'm not longer using the default 7 Day setting within DOCman 2.0 and instead allow you to set the number of days you want files to be considered "New" in the plugin)
+ Added new "table_labels_in_columns" and "nestedtable_labels_in_columns" layouts which show the New, Edit, Download/Details, and Locked By columns in individual columns.

2.6.1 2013-07-04 / Omar Ramos
! Happy 4th of July :-)
# Just tested with DOCman 2.0 RC1 and noticed there was a Fatal Error due to a class name change for RC1. Added some code to detect this and do the right thing so the plugin can run on either the Beta or RC properly.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated with an example of the nestedtable layout) and our new DOCman List How to Video Series on Youtube!

The 2.6.4 version I've just finished uploading to the Downloads page brings in some additional changes since DOCman 2.0 has reached greater stability in the past year and with the additional releases of Joomla 3.

This release is my first "official" release since version 2.6.0 was released in early 2013. It brings together a single release for versions both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.2+ and adds in new fixes and features in addition to all of the wonderful new functionality that was added in the first 2.6.0 release for DOCman 2.0.

More details on the new update are below (if you have questions about how to use the new features just visit the Contact page above!

Version 2.6.4 Changelog

Please note again that this release DOES NOT work with the older DOCman 1.6.x version since there were too many changes required to do so.

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

Update: For DOCman List 2.6.0 and newer I've optimized the layouts to not use as few inline styles as possible (really the only scenario where they'd be used now would be if you specified a custom width/height value using one of the configuration options, but none should be output by default anymore). During development of DOCman List 2.6.0 I spent a little time investigating what exactly is going on with the default System SEF Plugin that comes with Joomla and what I learned was that one Regular Expression used in the System SEF Plugin would get progressively slower if there were many inline styles present in the DOCman List output (even if they were empty). Once I started clearing these out, it helped reduce the negative impact the System SEF Plugin had so installing my custom System SEF Plugin shouldn't be as necessary anymore, but may still be needed in certain scenarios.

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

2.6.4 2014-02-15 / Omar Ramos
+ Added the ability to show/hide the Category Folder icons (Option Keys: showCategoryIcons/hideCategoryIcons)
+ Added the ability to show/hide the Filetype Icons (Option Keys: showFiletypeIcons/hideFiletypeIcons)
+ Added the ability to show/hide the +/- Icons to Expand/Collapse the Categories (Option Keys: showExpandIcons/hideExpandIcons)
+ Added the ability to show direct category links to the right of the Category Title...this would be useful if you have Category Links turned off for regular users, but may want to show them for logged in users that have permission to upload (Option keys: showCategoryLinksToUsersWithPermissions, hideCategoryLinksToUsersWithPermissions)
+ Added the ability to use Forced Download Links at any time (Option Keys: useForcedDownloadLinks/useDefaultLinks)
+ Added a CSS fix to remove the Category block being highlighted if you click on it multiple times quickly to Expand/Collapse the hierarchy
! Modified the render method for the non-nested layouts so that categories with sub-categories would not be treated as "empty" ones (this fixed an issue where if you did not have any files yet, all categories would be hidden when showCollapsed was turned on).
# Fixed a bug in docmanlist.js that was triggered by trying to expand/collapse empty categories
# Fixed a bug in sorttable.js for Joomla 3 (the updated version of Mootools no longer has the $defined function but there's a simple correction that can be made to fix that)
! Added in code that allowed Joomla 2.5/3 code to be triggered (allowing us to go back to a single package for both versions).

2.6.3 2013-11-29 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed an issue detecting the primary DOCman menu item with newer RC versions of DOCman 2.0
# Fixed an issue detecting the proper DOCman storage folder when detecting file sizes (previously I had the default folder hard coded in)
+ Added in manual calls to make sure the Mootools Framework is included before adding in the DOCman List JavaScript (it seems on some sites now Mootools is no longer available so this addition is needed).

2.6.2 2013-07-10 / Omar Ramos
# Fixed an Issue with the "New" Label (I'm not longer using the default 7 Day setting within DOCman 2.0 and instead allow you to set the number of days you want files to be considered "New" in the plugin)
+ Added new "table_labels_in_columns" and "nestedtable_labels_in_columns" layouts which show the New, Edit, Download/Details, and Locked By columns in individual columns.

2.6.1 2013-07-04 / Omar Ramos
! Happy 4th of July :-)
# Just tested with DOCman 2.0 RC1 and noticed there was a Fatal Error due to a class name change for RC1. Added some code to detect this and do the right thing so the plugin can run on either the Beta or RC properly.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated with an example of the nestedtable layout) and our new DOCman List How to Video Series on Youtube!

The 2.6.0 version I've just finished uploading to the Downloads page is the first version of DOCman List that can be used with the new DOCman 2.0 out from Joomlatools. NOTE: Please do not use this new version if you are using DOCman 1.6.x on your site! This version adds in some major new features and includes a lot of code cleanup to make DOCman List have great performance with DOCman 2.0 and make it easier for me to add in additional features and layouts in the future.

The new features mentioned below aren't available yet in the 2.5.x series of the DOCman List plugin that works with DOCman 1.6, but I will be adding in most of the new features in a new release for that version over the next week or two as I begin backporting the new changes to the older version.

More details on the new update are below (if you have questions about how to use the new features just visit the Contact page above!

Version 2.6.0 Changelog

Please note again that this release DOES NOT work with the older DOCman 1.6.x version since there were too many changes required to do so. I will be releasing an updated version of the DOCman List 2.5.x plugin within the next week or two that contains most of the new features I've brought in with the 2.6.0 version.

  • Big New Feature: DOCman 2.0 Compatibility.
  • Performed a major code cleanup to make it easier to add new parameters and Option Keys
  • Added additional Option Keys for existing parameters
  • Moved the parameter labels/descriptions into the Language file so that they can be translated (if anyone cares to do so, feel free to send me your translations to Support).
  • Added in 4 New Layouts: Image Columns, Image List, Simple File List and Simple File List with CSS3 Columns
  • Added in the ability to use regular template overrides so you can create your very own custom DOCman List Layouts! Simply place your own custom versions of the layouts (or even create new ones) in: templates/your_template/html/plg_content_docmanlist/
  • Simplified way of creating nested layouts
  • Added in ability for Document Thumbnail to be displayed in table layouts or in the Title Hover ToolTip
  • Reworked the data retrieval methods for DOCman 2.0 so that DOCman List can retrieve document/category information efficiently.
  • Created new classes to make generating SEF URLs more efficient
  • Created new class to make retrieving the Asset Rules for Document/Category more efficient
  • Created new "Demo" mode that you can use by adding in the showDemo Option Key. Provides a nice way to present the information contained about the parameters, along with all of the Option Keys available in DOCman List, in a way you can print out more easily for yourself or others.
  • Added ability to turn the Submit Files links On/Off
  • Added ability to turn the "New!" labels for Documents/Categories On/Off
  • Added ability to display a File Extension column/value
  • Added in ability to override the default PHP Execution Time and Memory Limit if your web host allows doing so via PHP. This can help if you have a few DOCman List pages that are outputting a lot of content and need the extra time/memory.
  • Added in support for Wildcard Category Filters (prior to this you could only specify an exact match to filter out). So now you could do something like 15:Board* to filter out any subcategories that start with the word "Board" of Category ID = 15.
  • Added in ability to filter out Categories with spaces in the title (I noticed spaces would cause an incorrect result). So now you could do something like 15:Board of Trustees and the "Board of Trustees" subcategory should be filtered out from Category ID = 15.
  • Added in additional checks to process DOCman List code more effectively (sometimes TinyMCE/JCE would add in HTML in odd places that would break things so I'm trying to handle that transparently for you guys).
  • Added in ability to filter out Categories with spaces in the title
  • The showMenu option doesn't currently show the Search or Submit Files, but it still allows you to link to the DOCman Main Page.
  • Reorganized the File Parameters and Grouped them...hopefully this makes the configuration screen a little more user friendly.
  • Removed Modal View Link Option (wasn't working correctly in the new version)
  • Removed the View Link (DOCman 2.0 simplifies the available links so I only have the Download/Details/Edit links currently)
  • I'm sure there are probably a few things I've forgotten, but all in all it's a pretty major release! Enjoy!

DOCman List 2.6.0 Screenshots

New DOCman List 2.6.0 Image Columns Layout

New DOCman List 2.6.0 Image List Layout

New DOCman List 2.6.0 Layout Overrides Feature

New DOCman List 2.6.0 Show Thumbnail in Table or Tooltip Option

New DOCman List 2.6.0 Simple File List using CSS 3 Columns Layout

New DOCman List 2.6.0 Simple File List Layout

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

Update: For DOCman List 2.6.0 I've optimized the layouts to not use as few inline styles as possible (really the only scenario where they'd be used now would be if you specified a custom width/height value using one of the configuration options, but none should be output by default anymore). During development of DOCman List 2.6.0 I spent a little time investigating what exactly is going on with the default System SEF Plugin that comes with Joomla and what I learned was that one Regular Expression used in the System SEF Plugin would get progressively slower if there were many inline styles present in the DOCman List output (even if they were empty). Once I started clearing these out, it helped reduce the negative impact the System SEF Plugin had so installing my custom System SEF Plugin shouldn't be as necessary anymore, but may still be needed in certain scenarios.

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated with an example of the nestedtable layout)!