The best part about software development is receiving feedback from your users, and today was no exception when one of our users, marbz, sent me an email telling me there was an issue with the download links being created by DOCman List. I quickly went to our demo site to see if I could verify the problem there, and sure enough I could, so I quickly went to work on figuring a solution.

It looks like the problem was introduced via a "bug fix" for a separate problem in the 1.5.3 release. That problem was related to another issue mentioned by a different user who had disabled all of the buttons within DOCman's Standard Buttons plugin, which DOCman List depended on for retrieving the download link for an item. Since the download is pretty important, I wanted to remove the dependency on the Standard Buttons plugin for the Download link and that addition was made in 1.5.3. However, the way I was adding the link into the data set that turns into the beautiful DOCman List output turned out to be flawed and caused the same link to end up being used for all of the links within a table.

That's all been resolved now though and you'll be able to find the 1.5.4 release available on the site here with that fix added. 

Thanks again marbz, and to all of my awesome users!