The 2.5.4 version adds some small features that were requested since the 2.5.3 release 3 days ago. More details below (if you have questions about how to use the new features just visit the Contact page above!

Version 2.5.4 Changelog

  • Added code changes to the table with preview layout
  • Added simply JavaScript to close iframe in table with preview layout by clicking again on the title (works fairly well)
  • Added detection for when your docmanlist tags are surrounded by paragraph tags added by your editor (paragraph tags are automatically removed).

docmanlist 2.5.0 submit file feature

Note: Please install Customized System SEF Plugin

When using DOCman List there is a high probability that you will cause Joomla's default System SEF Plugin to break, because of the regular expressions and error handling it uses. This will result in a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no apparent reason/cause. The solution is to download and install (FREE) the Updated System SEF Plugins (available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.7) from the Downloads area.

Want to see what other features DOCman List has? Check out the Features page! Want to see the plugin in action? Check out the DOCman List Plugin's Example page on our Demo Site (it's been newly updated with an example of the nestedtable layout)!